2013-03-25 19:41:49 UTC
On Sun, 17 Mar 2013 16:14:33 -0400, mixed nuts
My walls in my office are blank because it's a new office and I missed
out on the big fake masterpiece buy 5 years ago. And I'm not into
fierce faced Danica Patrick or
hockey-football-basketball-baseball-soccer posters.
true. they can be winowed out during education and put into the
thickie group were they can think their dilusional thouhts.
THey try to steer them into military service over here...On Sun, 17 Mar 2013 14:45:53 -0400, mixed nuts
not be laughed at.
The Egyptians rode dinosaurs when they chased the Jews under the Red Sea
but the lamestream liberal media refuses to tell the truth. A lot of
dinosaurs drowned and went extinct so they're faking a story with horses
and chariots instead.
i like the idea of the chariot race in ben hur having the chariots
tied to teams of velociraptors.
That'd be a fun art project. Maybe with Jebus burnt into the clouds.Uhurikuh is fulla wackyasses...
the united states of (institutionalized) wackyasses.<http://www.commondreams.org/view/2013/03/14-9>
OMGZ! Teh Jebus lizards!
i'd laugh, only that would be laughing at something that really shouldOMGZ! Teh Jebus lizards!
not be laughed at.
but the lamestream liberal media refuses to tell the truth. A lot of
dinosaurs drowned and went extinct so they're faking a story with horses
and chariots instead.
tied to teams of velociraptors.
My walls in my office are blank because it's a new office and I missed
out on the big fake masterpiece buy 5 years ago. And I'm not into
fierce faced Danica Patrick or
hockey-football-basketball-baseball-soccer posters.
i'm inclined to think that most people would rather believe what they
are presented with (no proof or evidence), rather than think about it,
ask questions, then make up thier own minds.
then again, i believe philosophy should be on the school curriculem
once children start secondary school. after all, as far as i am
concerned, philosophy is the mother and father of science and thought.
Some people are completely immune.are presented with (no proof or evidence), rather than think about it,
ask questions, then make up thier own minds.
then again, i believe philosophy should be on the school curriculem
once children start secondary school. after all, as far as i am
concerned, philosophy is the mother and father of science and thought.
thickie group were they can think their dilusional thouhts.
everyone without a brain a hoodey or chav. i detest thier stupidity
and ignorance.
Chavs just need a job...
say 'do you want frys with that?' or flip burgers.
hope that they can improve their lot in life. Without that, they
stagnate. If they see themselves in hopeless situation, they won't be arsed.
while back. if you ask me, there has been a deliberate systamatic
failure of children over the past 15.20 or so years.
money" by letting people fail. And then they become dependent on the
state that failed to educate, motivate, and ensure there were jobs
available and a social ladder to climb.
thing they's propagandad up as 'strivers'. only morons will buy into
cannot think for themselves. it realy does piss me off and make me
robot maids by now :(
for a homosexual over here) and a crew of idiots for him to laugh at.
You Ready, Eddie?"
Although "Bender" struck me as being a tongue-in-cheek riff off "Lucky
Two low spots on an otherwise wond'rous release.